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Where you can make friends.


Generosity is our response. 

At Great Life one of our values is - Generosity is the response.

One outworking of this is through TITHES & OFFERING, which is a financial response to God’s goodness and provision in our own lives. 


Tithes simply means a tenth or 10%, and is a practical and tangible way by which we can honour God. By giving a tenth of our income we are choosing to put God first in our lives, trusting in his faithfulness towards us.


An offering is anything you choose to give in addition to 10%.


Your generosity funds the vision and activities of our church. Thank you. 



Give Directly Online

Give through your bank

Simple and secure. Give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card.


Please note that online giving is calculated in AUD$

Account Name: Great Life Church
Bank: Westpac
BSB: 036 077

Account Number: 254 214


To give to our Building Project Fund you can give on Sunday via an envelope, online by the 'Give online now' button and selecting 'Building Fund', or by bank transfer with the details below.


Account Name: Great Life Church
Bank: Westpac
BSB: 036 077

Account Number: 254 214

Label: Building Project

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